
Bestway Cement has standing requirement for under mentioned items.

Raw Material


The cement industry requires energy to produce cement. Coal is an important source of the energy needed. Cement is critical to the construction industry – mixed with water and gravel it forms concrete, a key construction material.

Varying the mix of cement, sand and aggregate enables concrete to be used in a range of applications. Products can be designed, coloured and shaped to accommodate a variety of environmental conditions, architectural requirements and to withstand a wide range of loads, stresses and impacts.

Bestway Cement Limited uses coal of different regions/countries such as South Africa, Indonesia, Afghanistan as well as Pakistan.


Gypsum is a mineral and a hydrated calcium sulfate in chemical form. Gypsum plays a very important role in controlling the rate of hardening of the cement. During the cement manufacturing process, upon the cooling of clinker, a small amount of gypsum is introduced during the final grinding process.

Gypsum is added to control the “setting of cement”. If not added, the cement will set immediately after mixing of water leaving no time for concrete placing.

Acceptable Specifications of Gypsum

Purity (80% to 95%) SO3 (>37.2%) Moisture (<5%) Size (<300mm)


Laterite is soil type rich in iron, formed in hot and wet tropical areas. Laterite is rusty-red in colour because of iron oxides. It is developed by intensive and long-lasting weathering of the underlying parent rock. Tropical weathering (laterization) is a prolonged process of chemical weathering which produces a wide variety in the thickness, grade, chemistry and ore mineralogy of the resulting soils.

Acceptable Specifications of Laterite

Fe2O3 (>35% rejection below 30%) Al2O3 (<12% rejection above 15%) Moisture (<7%) Size (<300mm)

Limestone Dust

Limestone is one of the two key components required to make cement; the other is clay. Limestone is used due to its high content of calcium oxide, which is the main component of cement. This usually makes up around 65 percent of the final product.

Acceptable Specifications of Limestone Dust

CaO (>45%) MgO (<1.5%) Moisture (<4%)

Supplier’s Registration

To get yourself registered as supplier in Bestway Cement Limited, please contact or forward your company profile along with Expression of Interest to:

For Coal & Raw Materials
For other categories