Power Generation

WHRRP has many benefits which are both direct and indirect in helping generate power and reducing CO2 emission.

Direct benefits

  • The recovery process increases efficiency of the process and thus decrease the costs of fuel and energy consumption needed for the process.
  • It saves natural resources by reduction of fuel demand.
  • Reduced demand on primary energy because more power output can be achieved with the same amount of fuel.

Calculated amount of power generation from only one of the plants is as follows;

Gross power generation: 360MWhr x 320 = 115,200 MWhr/annum
Total Units: 115,200,000 kWhr

Indirect benefits

  • Thermal and air pollution are decreased as less fuel gases of high temperature are emitted from the plant and most of the energy is recycled.
  • Large size filtration unit for the filtration of flue gases is no longer needed.
  • Lowers the NOx, SOx & CO2 emissions because waste heat is converted into energy, from only one of the plants, the following CO2 amount is reduced per annum.
Gross power generation: 14.9 MW/hr
Annual MWhr: 14.9MWhr x 320 days = 115,200 MWhr/annum
Annual CO2 reduction: 115200/2.082 = 55,384.61

So CO2 emission reduction approximately becomes 55,384.61 tons CO2/annum from only one installation.